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Australian Beeswax Candles
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Our Honey Products

Our Best Honey for You

Australian bees produce honeys that are unique in the world. We have more than 100 varieties of native flowering plants in our area on which European honey bees can forage and produce their honey and our bees produce some of the nicest tasting honey you will find.

Not only that we care for our bees and ensure they have access to great flowers and work hard to maintain healthy hives so that we can deliver quality honey in every jar. Try it for yourself.

LOCALLY made just for you

Beeswax Candles for your Home

Beeswax candles have many benefits they emit a bright, healthful light within the same spectrum as the sun — plus negative ions that clean the air and invigorate the body

  • Beeswax Candles burn longer
  • Clean the air as they ionize
  • Are all natural with no fragrance
  • Smell great naturally
  • and they look great

Our products

We specialize in natural bee based products

100% natural Honey

seasonal honey (different tastes)

fresh honeycomb

beeswax candles

pillar candles

tealight candles

DIY candles

wicks and holders

raw beeswax

diy beeswax candles

Make Your Own Candles

Natural Beeswax is an extraordinary material to work with. It naturally occurs in different colours – ranging from creamy white, through to pink, orange, bright yellow and dark brown depending on what flowers the bees have been foraging on, and to some extent, how the beekeeper has handled the wax. It is also beautifully translucent. It is great for making your own candles, you can add essential oils or leave it natural with that slight smell of honey.

comments from customers


I have known Richard since 2004 & have always loved his products and his service and his Bees Honey is always amazing and I will keep coming back.

Samyo Dalgarno

Mossman - Sydney

We have had ordered candles for our homes for years and they are the nicest I have found, somehow made with love and his honey is simply divine.

Jivan Leela

Sunshine Coast

I have always bought excellent honey from this store. First found them at the markets but now I buy it online. Well and truly recommended.



the best from our busy workers

Visit our Shop

The importance of bees within our natural environment is well documented; we recognize the fact that bees are responsible for a large part of the pollination process that allows plants both in the wild and cultivated to successfully propagate. But in addition, bees produce large volumes of honey and beeswax, products that have multiple uses and are highly valued. In Australia alone it is estimated that annual honey production is around 30,000 tons with nearly half of that volume being produced by independent beekeepers.

Here at The Bee Whisperer, located in Balgownie, NSW we are dedicated beekeepers whose bees produce high quality honey and beeswax which we make available to our thousands of customers. Honey, in the state it is whilst in the hive, is known as raw honey and is generally considered superior to processed honey in terms of recognized health benefits. Our beekeepers raw honey that we supply across Australia as well as New South Wales is rich in nutrients, amino acids, minerals and enzymes, but probably most importantly of all still contains pollen as it is simply strained from the hive. Commercially processed honey has many of these beneficial elements removed through pasteurisation or ultra filtration, and although the resulting honey may have a greater shelf life and look aesthetically pleasing, it is lacking in the health benefits attributed to raw honey which is packed with anti-oxidants that can have a positive impact on heart disease, cancer and other ailments.

With over 100 different flowering plants upon which our bees feed, we experience seasonal changes in our beekeeper’s natural honey – both colour and flavour are dependent on the flowers that dominate the bees’ diet at the time, and alongside these varieties of honeys we also supply honey comb and bee pollen, directly from our hives.

Beeswax, which is secreted from glands on the bees and used to form the honeycomb within the hive is also harvested as it is the ideal product from which to make candles. We can supply what are probably the best beeswax candles and tea lights on a wholesale basis across Australia, or alternatively, supply you with beeswax and the necessary accessories for you to create your own candles. In a similar vein to honey, the colouration of beeswax will vary due to the diet of the bees, but all beeswax candles burn without smoke and have a unique natural aroma as they burn, more slowly that traditional wax candles. Furthermore, the flame from a beeswax candle burns with a bright clear light that closely replicates the light from the sun whilst emitting negative ions which help to cleanse the surrounding air.

Our range of beekeeper’s made candles are available in a range of sizes and all are tested to ensure that our finished products are of the highest quality before they are passed on to our customers.

When you want the finest quality honey, honeycomb, pollen and handmade beeswax candles in Australia, look no further than The Bee Whisperer, beekeepers of distinction.

Get In Touch

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Corrimal NSW 2518
0439 755 797

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